Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thursday afternoon Community Building Activities....on the ropes in the air, and making friends in the park. Popsicles at the end of the day!

Thursday was quite a day!

After our morning meeting, there was an Passover art class, and then we had a meeting with impressive member of Knesset Nachman Shai. We discussed leadership and the qualities of a leader: understanding the reality of a situation, having a vision and the courage to take action. He shared his vision  for a democratic Jewish state. We were honored to meet him, 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Kindergarten Buddies sending wishes to their 6th Grade buddies before their trip

“Dear Ily,  I hope that you have a good trip." Lee
"Dear Aaron, I hope that you see the Red Sea." Harrison
“Dear Talia, I hope that you have a good time, please bring me something." Kayla
“Dear Camden, I hope that you have a fun trip." Rohm
"Dear Ellie, maybe you can bring me a surprise." Jaclyn
“Dear Ellie, I am happy that you get to go." Siena
"Dear Ani, I hope that you have a fun time in Israel," Gaby
“Dear Elianna, I hope you have a good time, and can get me something." Emily
Dear Noa Have a great trip and lots of fun in Israel.” Maya and Kayla
“Dear Elaiya, I hope that you have a really good  day in Israel”  Alana
“Dear Gabrielle, I hope that you have a great time and that I will be able to see you soon.”  Sophie
“Dear Jonah, I hope that you have a good flight, and I hope that you can see the Jordan River.” Noah and Matan
“Dear Max, I hope that you can bring me something from Israel."Elon

Monday, March 7, 2016

The student delegation preparing for their visit

The student delegation met for breakfast with Tamar and Nurit, to practice ordering in Hebrew, in preparation for their trip to Israel in three weeks, as part of the the school twinning partnership program. Looks like they love Israeli food, especially lemonade with mint "lemonana".